Melania’s Jacket

Melania’s jacket
had something to say
and everybody heard it
say that day
plain and simple
cut right through
“I don’t care
do you?”

Melania went to Texas
to meet the kids
who were in jail for what
the Donald did
under skies
of red white and blue
“I don’t care
do you?”

the New York Times
the BBC
the internet
the tv
the whole wide world
came to view
“I don’t care
do you?”

Melania’s jacket
has a history
and its right there if you
care to see
she knows
what words can do
“I don’t care
do you?”

the blackshirts
and the bundled sticks
Il Duce
the dirty tricks
the pompous ass
the narrow view
all say “I don’t care
do you?”

we may have had
or seemed to be
was ground beneath
that hollow shoe
with “I don’t care
do you?”

what kind of people
are these
who turn away
all decencies
whose shadows block
the sun from view
and say ”I don’t care
do you?”

you have to care
you cannot stop
the rot goes all the way
to the top
you can’t just
look away
no matter what
a jacket might say

you might
and that’s their right
it has to be
but I see danger
on the rise
and I will not
divert my eyes

with “I don’t care
do you?”
yes, i do